Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
City of Porter
January 6, 2025 6:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Proxy Mayor, Josh Sumption
The following elected officials took their oath of office: Mayor Donald Verschelde, Clerk, Kim Jelen, and Council Person Pat Vlaminck.
Council members present were Kim Jelen, Donald Verschelde, Josh Sumption, Pat Vlaminck, Craig Petersen and Judy Verschelde.
Mayor Donald Verschelde called for the reading of the minutes of the December 2, 2024, Regular City Council meeting. Minutes were approved as read in a motion by Pat Vlaminck, seconded by Josh Sumption. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
A motion was made by Josh Sumption, seconded by Craig Peterson to designate the State Bank of Taunton, Canby Credit Union, and First Security Bank, as the official depositors, Canby News as the official newspaper, Josh Sumption as the proxy for mayor, Gerald Boulton as the attorney for the City, and Taunton as the official pound. All were in favor with none opposed, the motion was carried.
A motion was made by Kim Jelen, seconded by Craig Petersen for a Voluntary Contribution to the Statewide Volunteer Fire Fighter Retirement Plan of $5,000.00 for 2025. All were in favor with none opposed, the motion was carried.
The Fire Contract Meeting will be held on February 3, 2025, at 7:00 pm. A letter and contracts will be mailed out to the townships. The City of Porter will hold its regular meeting will be at 6:00 pm.
Resolution 01.06.2025
Whereas, the City of Porter hereby acknowledges that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 342.13, Yellow Medicine County has set a registration limit for initial licensed cannabis retailer, cannabis mezzo businesses with a retail operations endorsement, and cannabis microbusinesses with a retail operation endorsement in the County.
Whereas, the City of Porter delegates it registration authority for these cannabis businesses to Yellow Medicine County effective immediately.
Now Therefore, Be it Resolved that the City of Porter authorizes the delegation of registration for Cannabis Retailers to Yellow Medicine County.
A motion was made by Pat Vlaminck, seconded by Josh Sumption, to approve Resolution 01.06.2025. All were in favor with none opposed, and the resolution was passed.
The City of Porter received the second half of its 2024 Local Government Aid from the State of Minnesota in the amount of $14,908.00. The 2025 LGA certification is $29,841
Water usage was 445,000 gallons.
A motion was made by Josh Sumption, seconded by Craig Petersen, to pay the bills as read. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
A motion was made by Craig Petersen, seconded by Pat Vlaminck, to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
Kim Jelen