Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
City of Porter
November 1, 2022, 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Don Verschelde called the meeting to order.
Council members present were Kim Jelen, Donald Verschelde, Josh Sumption, Pat Vlaminck, and Judy Verschelde.
Also present was Ethan Kack.
Mayor Donald Verschelde called for the reading of the minutes of the October 3, 2022, Regular City Council meeting. Minutes were approved as read in a motion by Josh Sumption, seconded by Pat Vlaminck. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
Discussed the city dump being burned and the possible burning ban.
A motion was made by Pat Vlaminck, seconded by Josh Sumption to adopt the Bollig Task Order #2 with an initial financial commitment of $15,000.00. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
Resolution 11.01.2022
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Porter, Minnesota, to establish a local Board of Appeal and Equalization pursuant to Minnesota Statute 274.014, Subd 3, Paragraph C
Whereas, the City of Porter is authorized to serve as the local Board of Appeal and Equalization pursuant to MN Statute 274.01; and
Whereas, the City of Porter’s powers to act as the local Board of Appeal and Equalization were transferred to the County of Yellow Medicine pursuant to MN Statute 274.014, 3 Paragraph A and
Whereas, said statute provides for the reinstatement of the governing body of the City to service as the local Board of Appeal and Equalization by resolution of said City and upon proof of compliance with Minnesota Statute 274.014, 2
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and the City of Porter, Minnesota, to establish the City of Porter as the local Board of Appeal and Equalization pursuant to the above referenced statutes.
A motion was made by Josh Sumption, seconded by Pat Vlaminck to approve Resolution 11.01.2022. All were in favor with none opposed, and the resolution was passed.
Ethan Kack inquired into finalizing the transfer of the property. The City of Porter is still waiting for documentation.
331,000 gallons of water used.
A motion was made by Pat Vlaminck, seconded Josh Sumption, to pay the bills as read. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
A motion was made by Pat Vlaminck, seconded by Josh Sumption, to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
Kim Jelen, Clerk
City of Porter